Creating Something


It’s a new year. Amen.

After a difficult time for all of us, we can finally turn the page and get a much-needed clean start with a brand new year. That means staring at the blank page, the keyboard, or whatever tools or canvas we use to create our something.

We want to call it art but that seems quite self-gratifying, even indulgent, to call oneself an artist.

We can only strive to create something new. Unique. Then let others deem it worthy enough to be called Art.

This is part of what's often referred to as imposter syndrome:

  • I'm not good enough to be here doing this.

  • It's only a matter of time before they figure out I'm a phony.

These sentiments attack each of us in different ways and to different degrees but it’s mostly self-imposed fiction, not fact.

No, not everything you create is going to be worthy of adulation and fame. But our passion is more about the journey than the destination. It’s the act of making music itself that brings us back for more each new year.

While it can be difficult to take pride in everything you create, take pride in the fact that you are creating something.

Others may be more successful in doing it but that shouldn't stop you from doing it too. Their something is theirs alone, so focus on creating your something instead. It's unique to you and will always be worthy of that achievement.

Pursue the ideas you connect with. Be brave enough to share them with someone whose opinion you value, whether or not they know much about music. If they can connect with it too, you're likely on the right path. If not, don't abandon it but rather file it away for another day—it will call out to you at the right time and might even find its way into another project someday.

Have a process that moves you forward from each new idea and lets you finish it to a point you can share it with someone else—even just one person. If you need a starting point or refresher, I've created an interactive eBook that lays out the basic stages involved in making music.

Keep creating your something in this new year because the world needs new music now more than ever.

I'd love to hear what you've been working on. Tell me about your music!

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Matt Recio

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